
2024-11-27 19:11

Vietnam Fintech Summit 2024 (VFS): Accelerating Innovation and Collaboration in Financial Technology

HAI PHONG, Vietnam, Nov. 27, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Vietnam Fintech Summit 2024 (VFS) took place on November 26, 2024 at Pullman Hotel, Hai Phong. This is an activity within the framework of the National Creative Startup Day 2024 event series organized by the Ministry of Science and Technology in coordination with the People's Committee of Hai Phong City with the common goal of promoting connectivity, joining hands to develop the Vietnamese creative startup ecosystem (Together accelerating Viet Nam's startup ecosystem), increasing the attraction of domestic and foreign resources to develop the type of enterprise operating based on the exploitation of intellectual property, technology and new business models (startups).

A heartfelt thank you to everyone who joined us at the Vietnam Fintech Summit 2024! We are grateful to our distinguished partners, co-hosts, community partners, and media partners for your invaluable support in making this event a success. Your collaboration, expertise, and dedication to advancing the fintech ecosystem were key to the summit’s impact.
A heartfelt thank you to everyone who joined us at the Vietnam Fintech Summit 2024! We are grateful to our distinguished partners, co-hosts, community partners, and media partners for your invaluable support in making this event a success. Your collaboration, expertise, and dedication to advancing the fintech ecosystem were key to the summit’s impact.

The VFS event was co-organized by the Vietnam Software and IT Services Association (VINASA) and the Fintech Community - Techfest Vietnam, in collaboration with two leading technology communities in Asia - APAC DAO and Tech Vietnam Advocates, bringing together hundreds of leaders, entrepreneurs and financial technology experts at home and abroad, joining hands to promote innovation and sustainable development in the Fintech field. According to the welcoming speech of Dr. Pham Hong Quat, Director of the Department of Market Development and Science and Technology Enterprises, Ministry of Science and Technology, this year's event has been upgraded from a community event to an international event, with depth and expertise, helping to further promote the innovation ecosystem in Hai Phong in particular and Vietnam and the region in general.

Potential for Fintech Development in Vietnam

As one of the fastest growing Fintech markets in the region, Vietnam currently stands out with over US$19 billion in total electronic payment transaction value and is the second largest market in ASEAN in terms of Fintech financial volume. The Fintech market value in Vietnam has increased from US$0.7 billion in 2016 to US$4.5 billion in 2022, with transaction volume increasing by more than 150% during this period and currently serving over 29 million users (according to Vietnam Plus)

The Vietnam Fintech Summit International Conference provides an ideal opportunity for Fintech startups to gain a deeper understanding of the Vietnamese financial market and connect with leading financial technology experts from around the world.

With many in-depth discussions and panels revolving around Fintech industry topics such as Open Banking trends, Open API cooperation, technology applications in cashless payments, the role of technology in expanding access to financial services for end users, and AI applications in the financial sector, more than 15 leading speakers from Prudential AI Labs, TMA Solutions, Indonesia Fintech Association, MBBank, Credos Partners and AthenaFS… shared practical lessons and international experiences to promote sustainable development and open up many cooperation opportunities in Vietnam's Fintech ecosystem.

Participation of prestigious partners and leading experts

Vietnam Fintech Summit 2024 is proud to have the participation and support of prestigious organizations in the fields of finance and technology, including two leading technology communities in the APAC region, DAO and Tech Vietnam Advocates, with a network of more than 40,000 experts; 5,000 technology enterprises in Asia and the region.

The conference brings together more than 30 leading Fintech community partners such as the African Fintech Network, iDEA Digital Finance Association Alliance, Digital Finance Association Alliance, Indonesia Fintech Association, Cambodia Finance and Technology Association, Cyberport - Hong Kong government's innovative startup incubator, Digital Pilipinas (Philippines), Global Fintech Institute (Singapore), Global Tech Advocates, Hong Kong Financial Industry Association, Luxembourg Department of Financial Technology, Philippines Fintech Association, Startup Vagabond, Tech Malaysia Advocates, Tech Singapore Advocates, Thailand Fintech Association, Global Impact Fintech Forum, Vietnam - Switzerland Economic Forum. Malaysia Fintech Association, Australia Fintech Association, Daejeon Center for Creative Economy & Innovation (DCCEI, Korea), BRICS Chamber of Commerce and Industry, TechSauce Thailand, official global PR publisher PRNewswire, Vietnam Silicon Valley Capital, Silicon India (India) and Vietnam CIO community. We would like to sincerely thank the valuable support from more than 30 domestic and foreign partners for the Vietnam Fintech Summit event.

Introduction to the organizers and collaborators of Vietnam Fintech Summit 2024


Vietnam Software and Information Technology Services Association (VINASA):

VINASA is a non-governmental, non-profit organization representing more than 600 enterprises in the field of software and information technology (IT) services in Vietnam. VINASA members include famous companies such as VNPT, Mobifone, Viettel, FPT, CMC, TMA, Harvey Nash, Global Cybersoft and many others. VINASA members account for 70% of the IT workforce and contribute 70% of the value of software products nationwide, making an important contribution to the development of Vietnam's digital economy. Every year, VINASA organizes many of the largest IT programs in Vietnam such as the Vietnam - Asia Digital Transformation Summit, Vietnam - Asia Smart City Conference; major awards such as Sao Khue Award, Vietnam Smart City Award,... VINASA is also a member of many of the largest IT organizations in the region and the world such as ASOCIO, APICTA, WITSA.

  1. Fintech Community - Techfest Vietnam:
    Fintech Community - Techfest Vietnam is a platform to connect and promote innovation from startups, especially in the field of financial technology. Adapting to the new normal context, the Fintech community focuses on expanding access to knowledge and global connections, attracting domestic and overseas Vietnamese experts, intellectuals, and entrepreneurs. This is a pioneering community in promoting financial technology solutions to support sustainable economic growth in Vietnam.
  2. APAC DAO:
    APAC DAO is the leading B2B technology community in the Asia-Pacific region, growing strongly with more than 3,000 members, 800+ projects and operating in 15+ countries. With the strength of the community and the ability to connect, APAC DAO has created a great influence, reaching more than 4 million technology enthusiasts through a network of member communities, contributing significantly to the development of the technology ecosystem in the region.
  3. Tech Vietnam Advocates:
    As a branch of Global Tech Advocates, Tech Vietnam Advocates is part of a global network of more than 40,000 technology leaders in more than 40 countries. Known as a founding member of London Tech Week, Global Tech Advocates has been expanding its global influence by supporting innovative technology initiatives, promoting cooperation and knowledge exchange in the global technology sector.

Vietnam Fintech Summit 2024 is an important event that not only connects domestic experts but also opens up opportunities for cooperation and growth in the field of financial technology for Vietnamese businesses and startups with the international market. Closing the 2024 event, the Organizing Committee has prepared an implementation plan for the 2025 event on a larger scale to strongly promote and develop the potential of the Fintech ecosystem in Vietnam, helping to elevate Vietnam to become the cradle of financial technology in the region.

Contact information

For more information, please contact:
Ms. Nguyen Thi Hai Thanh, Representative of the Organizing Committee
Email: vnfintechfestival@gmail.com
Information and images of past and upcoming events at https://vietnamfintechsummit.com/.

source: Vietnam Fintech Summit & APAC DAO

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