政府統計處 | Census and Statistics Department | https://www.censtatd.gov.hk |
消費者委員會 | Consumer Council | https://www.consumer.org.hk |
恒指服務有限公司 | Hang Seng Indexes Company Limited | https://www.hsi.com.hk |
香港信貸及收賬管理協會 | Hong Kong Credit And Collection Management Association | https://www.hkccma.com |
香港投資者學會 | Hong Kong Institute of Investors | https://www.hkii.org |
香港投資基金公會 | Hong Kong Investment Funds Association | https://www.hkifa.org.hk |
香港金融管理局 | Hong Kong Monetary Authority | https://www.info.gov.hk/hkma |
香港證券專業學會 | Hong Kong Securities Institute | https://www.hksi.org |
香港交易所 | Hong Kong Stock Exchange | https://www.hkex.com.hk |
投資推廣署 | Invest HK | https://www.investhk.gov.hk |
強制性公積金計劃管理局 | Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority | https://www.mpfahk.org |
保險業監理會 | Office of the Commissioner of Insurance | https://www.ia.org.hk |
證券及期貨事務監察委員會 | Securities And Futures Commission | https://www.sfc.hk |
金銀業管理場 | The Chinese Gold & Silver Exchange Society | https://www.cgse.com.hk |
香港保險顧問聯會 | The Hong Kong Confederation Of Insurance Brokers | https://www.hkcib.org |
香港銀行學會 | The Hong Kong Institute of Bankers | https://www.hkib.org |
香港退休計劃協會 | The Hong Kong Retirement Schemes Association | https://www.hkrsa.org.hk |
香港保險學會有限公司 | The Insurance Institute Of Hong Kong Ltd. | https://cii-hk.org/ |
證監會學‧投資網站 | The Securities and Futures Commission | https://www.invested.hk |