
2024-09-13 21:51

MTR Corporation and MTR Academy Successfully Host the "Belt and Road Railway Forum"

Bringing Together Railway Experts to Foster Railway Development in Belt and Road Countries and Drive Rail Industry Forward

HONG KONG, Sept. 13, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- MTR Corporation and the MTR Academy hosted the "Belt and Road Railway Forum" today (13 September 2024) to explore "How Public Transport Contributes to Building & Connecting Communities". The Forum brought together near 280 government officials, railway professionals and industry leaders from Belt and Road countries and regions to interact and discuss the core role of railways in sustainable development and the Belt and Road Initiative from different perspectives, including economy, green and technology.

MTR Corporation and the MTR Academy hosted the “Belt and Road Railway Forum” in Hong Kong. Officiating guests, including Mr Liu Chun-san, Acting Secretary for Transport and Logistics of the HKSAR Government (5th right), Dr Rex Auyeung, Chairman of MTR Corporation (5th left), Dr Jacob Kam, Chief Executive Officer of MTR Corporation (4th right) kicked off the Forum.
MTR Corporation and the MTR Academy hosted the “Belt and Road Railway Forum” in Hong Kong. Officiating guests, including Mr Liu Chun-san, Acting Secretary for Transport and Logistics of the HKSAR Government (5th right), Dr Rex Auyeung, Chairman of MTR Corporation (5th left), Dr Jacob Kam, Chief Executive Officer of MTR Corporation (4th right) kicked off the Forum.

"In the course of city development, railways are more than just a mode of public transportation; they are the lifelines that boost regional mobility, foster economic growth and enhance quality of life, driving progress and the prosperity of cities. It also stands out as a crucial solution for a low-carbon future. MTR Corporation has actively participated in the building of communities and the development of Hong Kong with its railway. On the occasion of the 45th anniversary of its first metro service, the Corporation hosts the Forum, bringing experts together to drive railway development across Belt and Road countries and regions and elevate the industry standard to new heights of excellence," said Dr Rex Auyeung, Chairman of MTR Corporation in his welcoming remarks to participants.

Mr Liu Chun-san, Acting Secretary for Transport and Logistics of the HKSAR Government said in his keynote address, "Hong Kong strives to be a "super connector" and "super value-adder" for the Belt and Road Initiative. Hong Kong has an efficient and well-integrated public transport system with railway as its backbone. The Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong High Speed Rail also strengthens the people-to-people bonds between Hong Kong and the Mainland. Hong Kong has a rich pool of talented professionals equipped with the necessary expertise, allowing us not only to take forward the development of transport infrastructure within the city, but also to export Hong Kong's professional skills and knowledge to the broader Belt and Road community. Together, we can unlock the immense potential of the Belt and Road region, promote deeper economic integration, and strengthen the connections between our people."

Railway professionals, academics, and industry leaders from Belt and Road countries were invited to join the Forum as speakers to share insights on "Green Technology Research in Railway", "MTR Innovation in Rail Technology" and the story of the Jakarta–Bandung High-Speed Rail project. There was also a panel discussion with industry leaders exploring the "Challenges and Opportunities for Future Rail Transport". To further facilitate industry exchanges, MTR arranged an accompanying exhibition to showcase cutting-edge innovation and technology in the railway sector, which included big data, smart and robotic technology and the application of mixed reality, sharing the achievements of MTR in "smart railway" development.

MTR Corporation has played a constructive role in Hong Kong's modern development through railways, connecting and building communities with its comprehensive railway network over the years. This year marks the 45th anniversary of MTR's metro service in Hong Kong. Riding on Hong Kong's Belt and Road Week, MTR hopes to foster global railway development and uphold its mission to "Keep Cities Moving" by hosting the "Belt and Road Railway Forum", sharing and exporting its railway expertise and experience.

Link to download photos: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1F-xPReBYHD9JAfX6Ai5RBod1ZWabrYTF?usp=drive_link

About MTR Corporation

To Keep Cities Moving, MTR makes encounters happen and rendezvous for a more connected tomorrow. As a recognised world-class operator of sustainable rail transport services, we are a leader in safety, reliability, customer service and efficiency.

MTR has extensive end-to-end railway expertise with 45 years of railway projects experience from design to planning and construction through to commissioning, maintenance and operations. Going beyond railway delivery and operation, MTR also creates and manages dynamic communities around its network through seamless integration of rail, commercial and property development.

With more than 50,000 dedicated staff*, MTR carries over 10 million passenger journeys worldwide every weekday in Hong Kong, Mainland China, Australia, the United Kingdom and Sweden. Together, we Go Smart and Go Beyond. 

For more information about MTR Corporation, please visit www.mtr.com.hk.

*includes our subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures in Hong Kong and worldwide

About MTR Academy

Backed by over 40 years of experience in advanced railway operations and management in Hong Kong and overseas, the MTR Academy, a wholly owned subsidiary of MTR Corporation Limited, was set up in 2016, with an aim to share MTR's competency and experience with railway operators and authorities worldwide to pursue a common set of goals for service excellence and sustainable operations.

The vision of MTR Academy is to be a recognized railway management and engineering centre of excellence in providing programmes for MTR staff, Hong Kong community and the railway industry in the Mainland of China and oversea, including countries along the Belt and Road Initiative.

Since its establishment, MTRA has delivered tailor-made training programmes to over 400 executives from 22 countries and regions across Asia, Europe, the Middle East, and Australia. These countries include Belt and Road nations such as Thailand, Indonesia, Israel, Qatar, Korea, the Philippines, Malaysia, Myanmar, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, and India. Through these programmes, MTRA fosters a new generation of railway leaders dedicated to service excellence and sustainable operations.

For more information about MTR Academy, please visit www.mtracademy.com.

Dr Rex Auyeung, Chairman of MTR Corporation welcomed participants from Belt and Road countries, and emphasized in his welcome remarks that railways are lifelines driving progress and the prosperity of cities.
Dr Rex Auyeung, Chairman of MTR Corporation welcomed participants from Belt and Road countries, and emphasized in his welcome remarks that railways are lifelines driving progress and the prosperity of cities.

Dr Jacob Kam, Chief Executive Officer of MTR Corporation talked about the transformative power of railways in city development in his closing remarks. Taking Hong Kong as an example, Dr Kam illustrated how MTR has built a number of sustainable communities across the city with its railway.
Dr Jacob Kam, Chief Executive Officer of MTR Corporation talked about the transformative power of railways in city development in his closing remarks. Taking Hong Kong as an example, Dr Kam illustrated how MTR has built a number of sustainable communities across the city with its railway.

source: MTR Corporation

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