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  • Mei Ling

    Mei Ling

    廖吳美玲Mei Ling,做為電視真人騷《盛女愛作戰》幕後顧問一夜爆紅,因其經驗豐富,點評中肯直接,且手握優質筍盤無數,被譽為鑽石媒人,備受好評。其創立的香港婚姻介紹所Hong Kong Matchmakers。

    Mei Ling曾於紐約婚姻介紹學院就讀,成為美、德註冊婚配師,創立香港婚姻介紹所,有別於其他婚介所,Mei Ling所設門檻很高,專為香港單身高學歷人士作婚姻配對,創辦16年,成功撮合的高層男女不下數百對。

    Mei Ling曾於世界頂級大企業任要職,包括貿發局法蘭克福貿易顧問等。曾獲歐盟市場開拓及業務發展比賽冠軍,成為首位女性及華人獲得此殊榮。亦曾創立自己的時裝生意,在高峰時賣盤。

    著有《How to Find A Husband》。 Man Manual, Navigating Relationships

    鑽石媒人Mei Ling










  在性保守的傳統下,性學一直被學術界忽視,直到印第安納大學的阿爾弗萊德‧金賽博士(Alfred Kinsey)出版了《金賽報告》(Kinsey Reports),這對性學有著革命性的影響。此報告分為兩本書,一本是1948年出版的《男性性行為》,另一本為1953年出版的《女性性行為》。金賽博士的研究,不是以臨床實驗作基礎,而是與被訪者訪談作基礎。


  後來,科學家廉‧霍華‧麥斯特與強生(Drs Masters and Johnson)在1966年和1970年出版了《人類的性反應》(Human Sexual Response )和《人類性功能障礙》(Human Sexual Inadequacy),研究內容圍繞觀察和比較人類自慰和性行為。這兩本書皆為暢銷書,更被翻譯成30種語言。書中除了紀錄生理學方面的數據,他們更大力支持和鼓勵人們享受性,更指性行為是健康的活動,可以增加快樂和親密感。
























The Ultra Conservative


  We talked about the “Ultra Liberal” last time. This would be the exact opposite.


  We have a number of singles in our database, men and women, aged 28-58, who have never had sex in their lives. Strange. We also have a number of divorcees, men and women, aged 28-58, who have had little or no sex throughout the entire duration of their marriages. Stranger still. We obviously have a huge, silent problem in our society which has not been addressed, viz. the ignorance or abhorrence of sexuality.


Human Sexuality


  Due to restrictive social conventions, Sexology had been a neglected area of study until Alfred Kinsey of Indiana University published his revolutionary Kinsey Reports: 2 volumes on male & female sexual behavior in 1948 and 1953. Kinsey's work was based on personal interviews and not on laboratory observation.


  Then Drs Masters and Johnson published Human Sexual Response and Human Sexual Inadequacy in 1966 and 1970, based on observing and measuring masturbation and sexual intercourse in the laboratory - Both best-sellers were translated into 30 languages. Apart from recording the first physiological data, they openly espoused sex as a healthy activity that could be enjoyed as a source of pleasure and intimacy.


  Masters and Johnson's finding that with regular intercourse, men can continue being sexually active until the age of 86 or beyond was well endorsed by other university researchers. Another aspect of their work, the “cycle” of sexual response,( i.e. Excitement, Full Arousal, Orgasm and Post Orgasm) shows no difference between Freud’s purported "vaginal" and "clitoral" orgasm. However, their argument that thrusting during intercourse should provide enough clitoral stimulation to achieve orgasm and the inference that the failure of this is a sign of female "sexual dysfunction" was severely criticized by other sex researchers, particularly Shere Hite, whose own research found that women who cannot achieve orgasm during intercourse can easily achieve orgasm by masturbation. While not denying that both Kinsey, Masters and Johnson have made significant contributions to sex research, she believes that people must understand the cultural and personal construction of sexual experience to make the research relevant to sexual behavior outside the laboratory.


Sexual dysfunction


  These university researches into the anatomy and physiology of sexual response was a springboard to developing a clinical approach to the treatment of sexual problems in a revolutionary manner. Today, sexual dysfunctions such as premature ejaculation, impotence, vaginismus, and female frigidity are no longer taboo subjects, many doctors are well versed in dispensing treatment, often with positive results within a reasonable period of time. The key is to seek help early.


Your Relunctance


  There could be a number of reasons why you haven’t been sexually active. It could be your archaic upbringing, religious reasons, inhibitions, the wrong partner or the lack of one, worries about your own inadequacies, or that previous experience had been disastrous… Whatever the reason, you need to get yourself a healthy sex life soon. Like riding a bicycle or a horse, falling off is part of the learning process. Procrastination makes it harder, not easier , and prolonged sexual abstinence only leads to waning libido, which could affect future relationship. We are not asking you to change the moral compass on your values, just understand that sex is an integral part of a man-woman relationship, you fail your spouse sexually, you fail as a spouse. Like everything else in life, you cannot do a good job without knowledge, practice & experience.


Where to begin


  If you have never had sex, or too little to speak of, start by reading biology books, watch medical videos, something explicit, learn about the male and female sexual organs and understand how they function. Visit your doctor, talk to him/her about your penis, vagina, uterus, ask whatever questions you may have. Alternatively, speak to a trusted counselor. Or both. Read “how to” books, & practice.




  Self control is a virtue, to under-indulge is meritous, but excessive self denial is unnatural, and total sexual abstinence in a relationship is abnormal. Without sex, there will be no procreation, many species in the world will reach extinction, including the human race.  Sex is vital - it’s not altruism, it’s pragmatism.




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