【化解尷尬】見工被問 Expected salary?一文教你有策略神回!
在同一間公司工作太耐,發現加薪幅度太細,所以下定決心轉工?問題來了……當見新工的時候,如果對方問你 “What is your expected salary?”,這個時候應該如何回答?開價太高,隨時嚇怕對方,眼睜睜目送覓得新工的大好機會;開價太低,又怕吃大虧,慘變underpaid。那麽,到底應該如何告知對方自己的expected salary呢?到底要如何回答才不會自貶身價,又不會令對方覺得你「叫價太高」而將你拒之門外?
有專家建議,在回答有關薪金的問題時,可以有技巧地拖延回答,避免立即給予對方一個實質的數字。其實,當被問到 「你的期望薪金是多少?」時,你可以藉著這個機會略略推銷自己,這做法能巧妙的向對方施加一點壓力,讓對方提出一個較理想的工資水平。
• “I’m more interested in finding a position that’s a good fit for my skills and interests. I’m confident that you’re offering a salary that’s competitive in the current market.”
• “Well, according to my research and past experience(根據我的研究和過去的經驗), my understanding is that 20K to 23K per month is typical based on the role and requirements.”
• “I really need more information about the position before I can begin to discuss salary. Can you tell me the range (範圍)budgeted for this position?”
• “To be frank(坦白地說), I really need more information about the job before we start to discuss salary. Maybe we can discuss it later? Do you mind telling me what is budgeted for the position(該職位的預算是多少), and how your commission structure (佣金結構)works?
• “Before I answer that question, I would like to ask what you typically (通常;一般)pay someone with my experience and education in this type of position.”
• “I’m sure when the time comes and I know more about the facts of the position and how it fits into the bigger picture, we can come to a mutually (雙互;雙方)agreeable figure(數字).”
• “From the research that I have done, it appears to be in the $20,000–$25,000 range. Is that the range you had in mind?”
• “I would need to know more about your salary structure and how often you review salaries as well as your entire package before I could discuss salary ranges. Could you provide me with more information before we discuss this subject?”
• “While my highest career value is not money, it is important to me that I be fairly compensated for the work I do. I would be willing to (我願意)listen to a fair offer (公平的報價) based on what I bring to the position in the way of experience and education.”
• “Opportunity is invaluable to me. I am always willing to look at the bigger picture. I would want to be paid according to what I bring to the position but would be willing to be somewhat flexible.”
你會注意到,以上的示範中,大多數都是試圖推遲直接回答問題,並讓自己有機會獲得更多有關工作的資料(如:工作內容)。 有了這些信息,你就可以了解這一份工作的價值,進而評估你應得的工資。
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