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Far From The Madding Crowd


  On the way back from San Francisco to Hong Kong, I watched Far From The Madding Crowd, a movie based on the novel by Thomas Hardy. I remember the first time I  read this book as a high school student, I was fascinated by the love stories of Bathsheba. Today, I continue to be amazed, albeit for different reasons.


  Hardy wrote this book in 1874. In the past 142 years, mankind has braved through two  World Wars , witnessed climatic changes from ice ages in the early 19th century to global warming…We have made remarkable scientific inventions: from the zipper, hairdryer, ball-point pen to the jet engine … From power steering, plasma TV ,  to the internet and digital mobile phones… Yet throughout all the peaks and valleys of civilization, all the  ridges and troughs of humanity,  the dilemma of a woman’s love has neither changed nor faltered one iota. Our love quandary today continues to echo that of Bathsheba’s  in identical ways and measures … That, is amazing.


  The story in synopsis: 


Bathsheba - a beautiful young lady who starts out poor, but quickly inherits and learns to run a farm successfully. She is vain, independent both in spirit as well as financially. This allows Hardy to use her character to explore the danger that such a woman faces of losing her identity and lifestyle through marriage.


Gabriel - the first suitor. A farmer, shepherd, &  bailiff, marked by his humble & honest ways, his exceptional farming skills, and his unparalleled loyalty. Originally wealthier than Bathsheba, a reverse of fortune makes him instead, her poor employee. Their financial differences stunt the growth of their relationship.


Mr. Boldwood - the second suitor. A wealthy gentleman land owner, but probably a tad old for her. Bathsheba loves the attention, the lifestyle and the power attached to this man more than the man himself. She leads him on flirtingly, he  becomes crazy with obsession, shoots Troy and is sentenced to life imprisonment.


Troy -  the third suitor. A handsome young man, vain, incompetent and completely irresponsible. A lady’s man, he is perfectly capable of  capturing a woman’s heart and soul. Bathsheba marries him in a flurry of passion and deeply regrets it as multiple problems surface.


  The three major themes of Hardy’s novel are probably unrequited love, catastrophe, and social hierarchy. There are a few sub-plots to the main story through which the author raises questions about society, religion and morals, and illustrates  the danger and destruction inherent in romantic love and marriage. Hardy exposes the betrayals, inconsistencies and irrationalities  that so often plague romantic relationships – as Bathsheba nearly destroys her life by falling in love with Troy. Similarly, when one partner is more in love than the other as is in the case of Mr. Boldwood, what disastrous consequences result from such inequality.


  Would you today, choose a good man who is relatively poorer ?  A wealthy man who is comparatively older ? or he who sweeps you  off your feet, makes you deliriously happy with passion and not much else ? Remarkable is that Bathsheba’s dilemma has not gone out of fashion in 142 years. We may pride ourselves today for being better educated, well travelled and worldly wise, but we have NOT become less narrow minded in terms of wealth and age disparity…and many continue to fall for handsome rogues.


  In summation, the story reminds us how the right partner embellishes one’s life, and the wrong one, ruins it. Given that partner search must be the most important task we would ever do, are we working to equip ourselves with the skill this job requires? Are we even giving this task the time and attention it deserves? Or do we just drag it out for yet another year?


  Food for thought.




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