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  (1) May不小心摔破了自己的iPhone。她立即買了一部新的代替,不過未能取回手機內的資料。為此極之煩躁的她對下屬大動干戈,還向男友開火。最後,她的助理決定辭職,更糟的是,離她而去的還有男友。


  (2) 同樣地,June失去了她的iPhone,但她沒有能力添置一部新機,只好不情不願地問哥哥借了一部型號很舊的手機。派對上,June的朋友看到她手中的「古董」後雀躍不已,爭相把玩手機,June在一片歡笑聲中處之泰然,這樣的她引起Mark的注意,兩人其後發展成情侶。


























Reaction Formation 


  Ever heard of the 90/10 Principle? It means “Life is 10% what happens to us , and 90% how we react to it. And 90% of our reaction depends on our perception of how our audience might react to it.”


  Two stories,  same situation. Different reactions, different results: 


  (1) May dropped & broke her iPhone. She bought a new one immediately, but many data could not be retrieved. Deeply frustrated, she screamed at her staff and  took it out on her boyfriend. Finally her PA resigned and walked out on her. Worse still, so did her boyfriend . 


  (2) June lost her iPhone too.  Couldn’t afford a new one, she reluctantly borrowed her brother’s VERY old phone . At a party, June’s friends were all amused by her  “antique”. They were playing with it, there were jokes & laughter, & she took it all in stride….That’s how Mark noticed her. They have been dating since…


  May reacted in pompous anger probably because she perceived this reaction to be expected of a strong, powerful, superwoman - an image she was eager to uphold. Had she been alone in a remote village surrounded by trees & buffalos, she would, for a lack of audience, probably have reacted differently. Often, we are so preoccupied by others’ perception of us we forget to think for ourselves. The fact remains, it is our thoughts and attitude which govern our reactions; and it is our reactions which  would change our experiences and shape our lives. 


Reaction Formation


   “ The lady doth protest too much” Hamlet, Shakespeare. 


  This quote has often been used to refer to people who appear to be emphatically opposed to something in an effort to hide their true desires. In psychology, this is known as ‘Reaction Formation’ – a defense mechanism in which a person perceives his true feelings to be socially unacceptable, so he attempts to convince himself and others that the opposite is true,  often in a very exaggerated manner.




-A man who is gay engages in an ostentatiously public display of macho-ism: having a few beers with the boys, whistling at girls, cracking crude jokes and openly  criticizing gays. He fretfully wants to be recognized as stereotypically masculine.


-A woman who is desperately lonely and yearns for a relationship extols the virtues of being single. She is super busy with her job, volunteer work, yoga classes…. Boasting how happy & fulfilled her life is, she is going all out to prove she doesn’t need a man.


-A person who is irate with a colleague behaves with exaggerated calm and courtesy and ends up being particularly nice and friendly towards her. She is trying to prove  she doesn’t mind her friend undeservingly getting the man  who should have been hers.


  Other classic examples include: the alcoholic who exalts the virtues of abstinence; the rich kid who organizes anti-capitalist rallies; the absent father who occasionally returns with big gifts to spoil his children… Reaction formation is easy to identify -  It often appears hyper, unreasonable, and obviously showy in order to attract  attention. People afflicted are not being deceitful, just compulsive. Overly staunch views of chastity and purity may mask deep seeded strong sexual desires; altruism may hide selfishness and piety may conceal sinfulness. Phobia is another example of a reaction formation. The person wants what he fears. He is not afraid of the object, he is afraid of the wish for the object. A man who would be too shy to interact with women would be a classic example. The reactive fear prevents the dreaded wish from being fulfilled.


  “Our lives are not determined by what happens to us but by how we react to what happens, not by what life brings to us, but by the attitude we bring to life“ – cliché it may be, valid nonetheless. We are a sum of our life’s experiences -  A positive attitude is a catalyst which brings a chain reaction of positive thoughts, events, and outcomes. 


  May 2016 bring you an abundance of positive reactions.




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