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  以香港的情況來看,重災區是30歲至44歲這個群組,女多男少,之間相差32萬6千7百個男人。問題更因為港男不在同年齡層的女性群中找對象而加深,舉個例,一個年屆 44的男人很少會選擇跟40歲的女人約會。結果,結婚率每況愈下。在1991年,男女的結婚率各佔67.6%及65.3%;到2011年,男女的結婚率各佔61.2%及55%,兩性的結婚率分別下跌了6.4%及10.3 %。低處未算低,在2013年 ,雖然在香港有55,274宗婚姻註冊,但只有52%香港女性有份,當中有38%是內地女性,另外的10%則是來自其他地方的女性。




  今次的博覽會是個龐大的項目,兩個月內,我在星島日報、都市日報及加州的Channel 26的支持下,到訪了加州四次,希望藉此聯絡上大部分中上層的華人社群。我的下個行程將在東南亞、倫敦、澳洲展開。


  伴侶配對上的問題可歸納為四方面:(一)男女比例失衡、 (二)繁忙的生活模式導致嚴重缺乏時間、(三)狹窄的社交圈子中缺少機會、(四)缺乏經驗與技巧。「小緣圈博覽」將針對這些問題提出以下的解決方案:


  1. 我們歡迎來自四海的華人。

  2. 套用數學定律中的全概率公式,當思想投緣、有共同目標的出席者,受到機會緊密兼長時間濃厚的友愛精神氛圍感染,在3 天之內覓得伴侶的機會可超越 60-80% !

  3. 我們為參加者提供大量互動的機會,他們將透過興趣活動、遊戲、講座、娛樂活動、短途旅行及社交活動互相了解。

  4. 在整個博覽會中,我們的團隊將安排經驗豐富及資格被受肯定的人生教練免費指導參加者。


  婚介博覽會或是個創新的意念,亦是個值得發掘下去的有趣想法。為自己,親身到場一看!– www.meiling.hk




Hong Kong Lifestyle Convention 


  On 9th October, we held a small Media Chat with a few friends from the press and the HK Lifestyle Convention was officially launched. This is a 3 day event (13-15 Feb 2016) especially designed for elite singles. Supported by the HK Tourism Board and UNESCO HK. Mrs. Regina Ip GBS, JP, Member of the Executive Council and the Legislative Council will officiate the Opening Ceremony on 13th Feb 2016.


  In Hong Kong, the singles’ population between the age of 25-54 total 1.13 million (549,000 men and 587,500 women). There are 42,000 singles in Macau, 1.1 million in Singapore, 3.7 million in Shanghai, 3.2 million in Beijing, 1.36 million in Taipei, 1.87 million in Guangzhou, 1.7 million in Shenzhen, and 250,000 Chinese singles in San Francisco and Los Angeles. The grand total of Chinese singles in major cities with similar educational & economic levels total 12.2 million – a number too big to ignore.


  In Hong Kong, the worst age group is 30-44, where we have a deficit of 326,700 men. This problem is further exacerbated by the fact that Hong Kong men mostly do not seek women in the same age group– for instance a 44 year old  man would rarely date a 40 year old woman. Hence our marriage rates continue to drop. In 1991, 67.6% of our men and 65.3% of our women were married. In 2011, only 61.2% of our men and 55% of our women were married, a drop of 6.4% and 10.3 % respectively. Now adding insult to injury, in 2013, even the number of marriages in Hong Kong totaled 55,274, only 52% were with HK women, balance 38% to women from China and balance 10% to “others”.


  As a direct consequence, our birth rate continues to slide. In 1961, 34.3 babies were born to every 1000 women. In 2013, only 8 babies were born per 1000 women. If we don’t do anything about it, World Health Organisation predicts that by 2050, 40% of Hong Kong’s population will be over 65 years old, making us the 5th oldest city in the world ! Looks like our days of “Dynamic Hong Kong” are numbered.


  As a private matchmaker, my schedule is hectic but manageable, precisely why my family and friends are questioning my sanity regarding such an undertaking. This Convention is a mammoth piece of work. I have been to California 4 times in 2 months, with the support of Sing Tao, Metro, Channel 26 there, we hope to reach most of the elite Chinese community. South East Asia, London, Australia are next on my agenda.


  The major problems of partner search lie in four areas : (1) Gender Imbalance (2) Busy lives leading to a serious shortage of time (3) Limited social circle, lack of opportunities (4) Lack of experience and skill. The HK Lifestyle Convention would address all these problems by offering the following solutions:


  a) We welcome Chinese singles from the four seas,

  b) We offer full fledged, well packed activities within 3 days,

  c) We offer plenty of interactive opportunities through interests, games, talks, entertainment, excursions and social mingling

  d) Our team of highly qualified and experienced counselors will offer free coaching and advice throughout the Convention.


  A new concept it may be,  the Convention is nevertheless an interesting idea worth exploring. Come and find out for yourself – www.meiling.hk




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