Part 2: 「引用二手資料」參考句
● Danielle Miller wrote in her 2018 novel titled How to Face Stress that......
Danielle Miller在她2018年的小說《如何面對壓力》中寫道......
● Sophie John, author of How to Face Stress, states that......
《如何面對壓力》一書的作者Sophie John說道⋯⋯
● According to an article about underpaid workers in last month's Orange Daily magazine......
● According to Elise Watson, women's tennis coach, whom I interviewed last week,......
根據我上週訪問的女子網球教練Elise Watson的看法,⋯⋯
● According to statistics included on the Department of Justice Drug Enforcement Administration website report......
● In the latest poll cited in the April 13th issue of Times magazine......
● From a survey that our researchers took last month of your opinions......
● In Charlene's book How to Work as a Team published in 2018, she defined ‘teamwork’ as......
● Film critic Ian Long, in a 2015 Cinema Scope magazine article titled "Global Discoveries on DVD" writes......
影評人Ian Long在2015年刊在《寬銀幕》雜誌名爲「全球DVD大發現的文章中寫到⋯⋯
● The Global Teacher Project, funded by the U.K. Department for International Development, claimed that......
● In a speech on business ethics delivered to the European Chambers of Commerce last May, Kevin Lin, CEO of Novell, said that...
公司的執行長Kevin Lin去年五月向歐洲商會就「商業道德」所發表的演說中說到⋯⋯
在這一章中,我們學會了各式各樣的簡報主體用語。最後要提醒你的是,除了必須在簡報中引用資料的出處外,還必須像本書Chapter 2中所介紹,在簡報檔案中另外製作一張參考資料頁(reference)的投影片。如此一來,對你所引述的東西有興趣的聽衆才可以在簡報結束後,根擁此資料頁找到資料。
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